Pandemic Diary: SIP Day 32

I made it 32 days before having to begin a claim for unemployment insurance, so that’s something.

My state has a program that allows partial UI with reduced hours, so I know I’m lucky to be in a better place than many others.

There’s 22 million people in front of me, hoping these benefits come through and the system itself avoids collapse. I’m probably not the only person who feels like they ordered a burger, paid for a filet mignon, and got served a shit sandwich. We’re all dining on shit sandwiches. Obviously while alone in our separate homes, because otherwise we’re wearing masks, and doing things like eating in public is a thing of the past anyways, (at least for those of us who are lucky enough to have homes).

Happier notes from today:

My kid loves scrambled eggs. They’re easy to make, and I found gluten free toast that tastes good, so I reliably enjoy a great early lunch most days, alongside a very happy kid.

Emmylou tried to jump today. She’s been working on it for months, but she’s finally starting to figure it out better. We practiced jumping together as a family and it was joyful.

Alameda County issued an order requiring face masks in public from now on. My incredibly talented friend made me a bunch last week and they are terrific, so I’m ready.

Since parking violations are not enforced, I found free parking directly in front of work when I went in to do the mail today.

I made tofu and veggies with butter masala sauce for dinner and it was delicious.